Annual Day 2017

Victorious Kidss Educares celebrated the Annual Day for the Early Years Programme with great pomp and fervor, on Saturday the 25  of February 2017. The school and the stage were impressively decorated with super hero paintings and symbols, to suit the theme of the event. The Programme began with the lighting of the lamp, followed by the Principal’s speech. The streak of excitement took momentum with the toddlers of VKE, who were swayed by their angel-like teachers. The Play Group and Nursery tiny tots disguised as super heroes took the stage by storm with their quirky dance moves and enthusiasm.

We had with us our Chief Guest, Ms. Anupama Silas Dongardive, the Founder and Director at Vanitashray; an NGO for orphans, destitute and widows. She motivated the audience and shared her heartfelt admiration towards the school through her speech. The Programme then concluded with the inspiring words of the school President, Sir Robbin Ghosh, without whom the grand event would have been incomplete. The audience left with smiles. The Annual Day was a jamboree to remember and the adorable superheroes of VKE were centerpiece of this unforgettable day.