The Law Of Receiving & Giving

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The Law Of Receiving & Giving

We know that giving a gift is a noble act. We also need to know, as per Vedanta, that whatever we want in our life, we have to give it first. Similarly, what most people do not know, that receiving a gift gracefully, is equally important; as it elevates the giver. My understandings are based on continuous research through Vedanta, Gita, self study, meditation, and realisation through messages that I receive incessantly from God. Have you realised, we have no problem in understanding and recognising each other, as a Human being. That is because, we have realised and recognised ourselves to be a Human being. On the contrary, even when we read in all scriptures, that we are God’s children, it is very difficult for us, to see other’s, as God’s children. We do not see our husbands, our wife’s, our children, our parents, our teachers, our colleagues, our friends or our brothers, as God’s children. It is because, we fail to see the God within our own self, we fail to connect with the God within. Our journey in life, is just to do that, become one with God, in this life alone. Read More

Theory of Healing

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Theory of Healing

In the history of the mankind, over thousands of years, progress of civilization, was based on Education. Our ancient Masters and Rishis, who had discovered and had known this secret that Education is principally of two (2) kinds. The first is scriptural or from text or based on concepts, which the Masters had decided to be of inferior type. As we notice today, our Education is based primarily on texts or content of a book or a curriculum or syllabi. The other education was of Supreme Nature, which is called Experiential Learning and dependent on experiencing and making it permanent. Read More

The Ultimate Relationship

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Understanding of IB Education

In our life, we learn many things. We go to schools and colleges, we learn music, art, sports, and cooking, but no one teaches us about how to utilize our mind. How to, let us say – what should we do, when we have problems with anxiety, anger, have a fight, or suffer from a depression? We all take training to be a doctor, a teacher, a professor or a businessman, but do we take training to become a husband or a wife, or a parent for that matter? Is this training necessary? May be, may be not? World’s top human mind and relationship experts have been however, retrospectively realizing that it indeed is necessary. Just as you would do an MBA, before you venture out, let us say in to the world of Corporate Management? Read More

Develop the seed of Humanity inside your children

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“Once a young child was asked what is your name? He replied “till today morning I used to think that my name is “Don’t”. But now my mother is training me that my name is Ashim.”

When you make your eyes big and point finger at them, you are showing that you don’t believe in the divinity in them. As parents we are always wagging our finger at our children, with a critical eye and are saying do this and do not do that. Read More

Education Is Not The Preparation For Life, Education Is Life

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Education Is Not The Preparation For Life Education Is Life – John Dewey, USA

The deepest desire in a parent’s heart is to see that one’s child achieve success in Life. Yet how many of us realize that the way we are going about; is not helping? When you buy a mobile, a washing machine, a mobile you receive the operating instructions with your purchase. But when a child is born in the family, you receive no operating instructions. But who is guiding the parents? We have lost our ancient heritage of knowledge of Vedanta, Upanishad and Gita. The British, took away our ancient heritage of Gurukul shikshanin the 240 years of our slavery with the English. They removed the Yogashastra created by our Rishi Vasisth, Rishi Valmiki, Manu and started their own missionary convent school. They tried to change our religion and took the brilliance of our early child brain development program and education system. Our education used to begin, from the mother’s womb – Abhimanyu concept and after birth from the age of six (6) weeks old babies. Whereas the British brainwashed in their 240 years of domination and told our parents and grandparents, not to send our children till 4, 5 or 6 years of age. So you and I went to school only after the age of 4. And we lost an entire amount of potential during those early years. Post Independence, our country also decided to continue with the same missionary convent school and those who could not afford where guided to take up CBSE and SSC in India. We were the richest country in the world, when the British came and raided India. They did not want us to remain very intelligent, on the contrary they wanted us to serve them as clerks, as coolies and as servants. Read More

Spiritualization and The IB Learner Profile

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Spiritualization and The IB Learner Profile – Ira Ghosh

What kind of young people are being turned out by the education system?

(Stephen Bigger 1999)

This Essay will take you across a brief study on the concept of Spiritualization in the 21st century education as a part my MA Programme at the University of Bath. During my IBPYP (International Baccalaureate Primary Year Programme) teaching and learning experience the questions that have eventually led me to this topic are: Read More


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How To Start?

From the day your baby is born, you are a teacher of spirit. If you create an atomosphere of trust, openness, non-judgement, and acceptance, those qualities will be absorbed as the qualities of spirit.
In a perfect world, parenting would come down to one sentence: Show only love, be only love. But in the world we all cope with, children grow up to face much non-loving behaviour, primarily outside the home but sometimes within it as well. Rather than worry about whether you embody enough love to qualify as a spiritual teacher, look upon spirituality as a skill in living, since that is what it is. I believe in imparting these skills as early as possible by whatever means a child can understand. Read More

Coping With Pain

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Coping With Pain

One subject that is what, we all are familiar with, none of us is a stranger to pain and pain is not a stranger to us. And in our own ways we try to cope with it, all through our lives. From childhood on, I used to be a very mischievous child. When I recollect, down the memory lanes, the sufferings,which my mother had because of me. I must have been a real pain in the neck for everyone. I used to be pretty tough and hyperactive, had pretty good tolerance towards pain. We grew up learning to cope up with pain, being brave about-facing pain.

About fifty-one years ago, I had met with a serious accident, on my Royal Enfield motorbike. Half of my left leg, below the knee was chopped off, was lying a few feet ahead of me. It was a case of almost resulting into an amputation. But, the Divine Mother, Supreme Divinity, as ever came and save me. Read More

‘Slow Learner Kids Could Learn Better’, Say Experts

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‘Slow Learner Kids Could Learn Better’, Say Experts

‘Slow Learner Kids Could Learn Better’,Say Experts Slow Learners Could Be Good Learners, If Only We Choose To Do Something About It. ‘Slow learners are not slow learners by nature. The people around them condition them, by telling them again and again, ‘what they are not’ and thereby make them loose their self-esteem and progressively dislike their own selves and become slow learners.  Even if there were past history of physical damages or injuries, preceding their present conditions, merely by changing the learning environment & ambience, most slow learners could learn much better, may be even better than other children, if only they are given an ambience of love, understanding & trust’. It also means, no parental or teacher’s over pampering. Read More