PYP 5 Virtual Exhibition 2019-20

We are sure you are waiting for an update regarding the most aspiring undertaking of our students this year and that is the PYP 5 Exhibition. The unfolding of recent developments has come with its own set of challenges and opportunities. Meanwhile, we would like to safeguard and guarantee that the hard work of our students and the progress they have made so far in their learning journey should receive its own unique culmination. 

As you know, the PYP Exhibition involves students conducting an in-depth inquiry into real life issues or difficulties, complications and constraints of life.  Students collectively synthesize all of their research and findings and choose to express them through a way that can be shared with the whole school community ~ parents, students, colleagues and family members. It also provides us the teachers with a powerful and authentic process for assessing student understanding.

The exhibition represents a unique and significant opportunity for students to showcase what IB is all about. How different these students are with their differences with the approaches to learning as well as problem solving. They exhibit the attributes of the IB learner profile, such as what exactly is ‘academic honesty’, what is ‘being principled’ and other important components of ‘Learner Profile’ of PYP. How principle components developed throughout their learning engagement with the Primary Years Program.

The exhibition also provides schools and students with a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the transition of learners to the next phase of their education of research, making Global contexts, connections with concepts, world of laws and theorems, understanding of standalone subjects. Keeping this in mind, we are glad to share with you the details for PYP 5 Virtual Exhibition 2019-20.

PYP 5 Virtual Exhibition 2019-2020 | PYP 5 – A (YouTube Playlist)

PYP 5 Virtual Exhibition 2019-2020 | PYP 5 – B (YouTube Playlist)

PYP 5 Virtual Exhibition 2019-2020 | PYP 5 – C (YouTube Playlist)

PYP 5 Virtual Exhibition 2019-2020 | PYP 5 – D (YouTube Playlist)

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